Communities at Oshkosh North High School is a Project Based Learning environment that revolves around the community. We learn with the community, within the community, in order to make the community a better place. Our goal is to provide hands on and relevant learning opportunities for our students so they learn the content as well as 21st century skills.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Thursday February 28, 2013
Today in Communities we started off the day with DEAR and then headed to our workshops. The students had to pick the workshops that will help them the most and they had to keep in mind they needed a few workshops that are required. During the third block there was a committees workshop, which was were the students brain stormed about what clubs we could create, so encourage your child to sign up for one.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
Today communities was full of working students, as it is everyday. Students were editing their videos, and taking stories that their veteran told and making them into mini 2-10 minute clips. The biology students also had their biology workshop, and some students went to conference with the teachers about how the project turned out, and how it could be improved if they were to do the project again.
Monday February 25th, 2013
Yesterday was an eventful day in communities had celebration since they were unable to do it on Friday. But the teachers had a little surprise for some of the students. In advisor the students filled out a small piece of paper, which they had to write their full name, birthday, and a number they were given to look up based on their birthday. During the celebration, the teachers told the students who had the number 1-100 to go out of the room, and back to the communities rooms, none of the students knew what was happening, untill they all got to the room and were told they were getting drafted and could be part of the celebration. Then the students went to their project advisor for the first workshop. In there they talked about writing thank you cards to their veterans.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Thursday, February 21st, 2013
Today was a good day in Communities. Some students had the workshops of their choice. Other students went to different conference room around the school for their interveiw with their veteran. One of the students even got a little surprise from her veteran! The veteran gave her a clarinet that he played when he was younger.
Wednesday, Febuary 20th, 2013
Yesterday was a also a great day in communities! Some students had the workshop of their choice. While other students interveiwed their war veteran Some of the students went to various quiet conference rooms around the school to interveiw But other students went to Evergreen to interveiw their war veteran.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday February 19th
Today was a great day in communities! Many students had their interviews with their veteran, students filmed in quiet places throughout the school to get the most out of their interview with their veteran. It's very exciting seeing students conduct their interview with their veteran, seeing all the work the put into it and then finally making their final product. Other students who haven't had their interview yet were in workshops. This week has been a little different as to where students pick their workshops and go to the ones that best suit them. It was a great Tuesday, make sure to check in throughout the week to see how interviews and workshops are going!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Friday Febuary 15th
Today was a splendid Friday in communities. Students had workshops preparing them for their interviews next week! Some students have already and will be having their meet and greet with their veteran and it went very well! Students looked to be creating a strong bond with their veteran. These workshops have done a great job prepping students for their interview with the veteran. They have helped them prepare interview questions, learn how to ask follow up questions and learn how to construct a good interview! The days are getting closer and closer to the interview as some will happen on Monday. Make sure to tune in next week to see how they have went!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Today was an eventful day in Communities, we started off the day with advisory drop everything and read. Then headed to our workshop, where we learned some new things about our war.Then at project time some of the students met there vet for the first time in meet and greet. This was an awesome event because not only is the vet more comfortable, but the student is too.
P.S. Happy Valentine's Day!
P.S. Happy Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Today was a good day in communities! Students had workshops where they had a good discussion on their war topics! Students have learned so much about their war and have an enormous amount of background knowledge. Students are preparing for the meet and greet which for some students takes place on Thursday! The meet and greet is where students learn and meet their veteran. A good time to get to know each other before the real interview. Students then capped of the day with project time working on their meet and greet. They are creating good questions so they can learn the background of their veteran. Also information on the personal side of the veteran, what they like to do, their hobbies and things like that. It was a great day in communities, make sure to tune in again to see how the things are going in the communities world!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Monday Feburary 11, 2013
To start off the day in Communities we counted how many people have comfy clothes and crazy hair. Each person could have up to 2 points, 1 for comfy clothes and 1 for crazy hair. Mr. Leib's advisory is winnning with an average of 1.2. Then we had an advisory game girls vs. boys pictionary with war vocab.After that we then headed off to our war group to watch a movie on how our war ended. Then headed to the computer lab to type up a reflection on how well we know our background knowledge and how we feel about video typing, and how we feel about our meet and greet, and how we feel about interviewing our veteran. Don't forget tomorrow is animal print!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Friday February 8th
Today was a successful Friday in communities. Students began the day in workshops learning content and having discussions about their war. Students are gaining knowledge fast about their war and starting to learn a lot of info. Everyone then prepared for their meet and greet next week with their veteran. Students developed questions to ask and are getting prepared for the meet and greet next week! To cap off the week we had out weekly raffle where prizes are awarded out from winning a raffle. Everyone is given a ticket, but you can be awarded another ticket by the good things you do during the week, or something you did during the week that another student or teacher acknowledges. It was a great week in communities make sure to tune in on Monday to see whats going on in the communities world.
(students discussing)
(students discussing)
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Thursday, February 7th, 2013
Today communities students, had DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) during advisory. Then they broke of into their various workshops. Then they had project time, some worked on questions that they could ask their veteran, with the English teacher, others worked on other things to prep for meeting their veteran.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Wednesday, February 6th,2013
Today communities students, had their workshops. Then they had 55 minutes of project time, where they could, finish up anything they needed to finish up for the war units, some chose to write up some questions, while others worked on their worksheets for their social studies workshop.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Tuesday February 5th
Today was a great day in communities as students had a very good discussion with their workshop groups about their wars! They discussed different vocabulary terms, key events and main people as well. To cap off the day we had guest speaker Jessica Opien of the Oshkosh Northwestern come in and speak with communities students about how to conduct a good interview. She was very beneficial and gave us a lot of good tips including what type of questions to ask, how to ask questions, what to do during the interview, how to start of the interview and many more. She did a great job! Make sure to keep tuning in to see whats going on in the communities world!

(Jessica Opien, on right pictured with Tony Bird the assistant principal.)

(Jessica Opien, on right pictured with Tony Bird the assistant principal.)
Monday, February 4, 2013
Monday Feb 3rd
Today was a good Monday in Communities. Students had workshops where they watched videos on their specific war. The got a good visual aid and visual understanding of what happened in their war. Students also met with parents who served as pretend former war veterans so students could do a practice meet and greet! The war interviews with the veterans are getting closer and closer! Make sure to tune in the rest of the week!
(People Talking)

Friday Feb 1st
Today was an interesting day as students again had workshops to gain knowledge on their wars! We then had a guest speaker Mark Nielsen a former veteran who served in the Marines for 29 years. Mark talked for about an hour and shared some very interesting information with us! It's great for all the communities students to experience two good speakers in two straight weeks. Inky Youngwirth and now Mark Nielsen. Mark also gave us some great information on what questions we should ask and what questions we shouldn't ask are war veterans. It was a great week in communities remember to check in next week to see whats going on!
(A photo of the marines)

(A photo of the marines)

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